Monday, April 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I am so happy to be home where I have my very own bed and my children sleep in their own rooms, an entire floor away from me! Haha! Actually, we had a lovely Easter weekend. I am so thankful to be a redeemed child of God and to be at home raising my children. I am also thankful that we have a home so I don't have to raise them in a car because I have learned I have my limits. The girls have both grown up so much and they handled the 15 or so hours in the car VERY well but I am pretty sure I answered about 697 questions between here and Alabama. But we got to see our precious family and we had safe travel and got to worship in my home church, and my best friend from high school made a trip down just to visit us! She has a 3 year old as well, and Hannah, Emily, and Vivi played like long-time friends for hours at my parents' house while Julia and I had adult conversation. Good times.

Thank you for the cross, Lord. Thank you for the nail-pierced hands.


Stacy said...

Glad you had a great safe trip! We missed Hannah:) So is that 15 hours one way? We are going to south Dakota in June. It takes 25 hours to get there. So we are going to try to drive to Omaha,NE before we stop.Which will be 17 hours. So if little Hannah and Emily can do it my big kids can. Right?

jkstrib said...

We missed the Snooks yesterday, but I am glad you were able to go home. See you tonight. Let me know if I can help you in any way!

Rhonda said...

Glad you're back! We missed Hannah at choir but she can sing in May with them! :)