Monday, November 24, 2008

The Keys to Decorating Your Tree

Let me preface this post by saying I have never been a pretty, planned, coordinated tree person. My tree growing up was artifical and full of homemade, random ornaments. The more disordered a tree is, the more it looks like home to me. This is the first year all 4 of us have been involved in decorating the tree. We have a few Sesame street ornaments from last year that I let the girls place on the tree. Emily got quite attached to Bert. Anyway, we were nearly done when I heard Daniel laugh out loud. Apparently, Emily ran out of ornaments and got creative. Isn't that cute?


Jo Ellen said...

That is too funny!

Kim said...

I agree - a tree should be full of memories, thats what makes it a beautiful tree! My mom started a tradition of giving us an ornament every year for Christmas... something that reflected a major even in our life that year. So when I left home, I already almost a tree-full of ornaments. Its fun to pull them out every year and remember all God's done in my life. Those are the best trees!

Summer said...

I LOVE it! This is exactly how our trees was when I was little and will continue to be. It would be nice to have 1 of those pretty put together trees but it would have no memories and I am all about memories!

jkstrib said...

Our tree growing up was the same and still is! I love the keys...priceless moment!

Jennifer said...

I love the new key ormanents, that is too funny... I was a late starter but a couple of years ago I started giving my boys and Eric there own orament something that would be remember for that year or something that was just for them so our tree has those and all those homemade ones on it... There is nothing fancy but it is full of memories and that is the best part...

wysong5 said...

That is the cutest thing!!! Thanks for a good laugh! I am trying to figure out how to follow your blog through my blog. That's possible, right?

tom said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to the Snook Family.
I hear you have a very busy weekend ahead. turkey day and AND a wedding!

I've viewed your blog and your girls are beautiful, and I supect keep you very busy.

I hope we all can get together soon.

Love ya,
